2003 Atlanta Falcons - Owner: Greg Mason

2003 Denver Broncos - Owner: Calvin Opheim

2004 New Orleans Saints: David Doll

2004 San Diego Chargers: Jerry Banko

2005 Atlanta Falcons - Owner: Greg Mason

2005 Green Bay Packers - Owner: David Bitz

2005 Indianapolis Colts - Owner: Greg Zeigert

2005 Oakland Raiders - Owner: Al Gingliardi

2006 Dallas Cowboys - Owner: David Bitz

2006 New York Giants - Owner: Bill Darchi

2006 Washington Redskins - Owner: Wayne Pulley

2006 New Orleans Saints - Owner: Eric Lane

2006 Denver Broncos - Owner: Dave Anderson

2006 Pittsburgh Steelers - Owner: Pete Katsafanas

2006 Kansas City Chiefs - Owner: Lee Thompson

2006 Oakland Raiders - Owner: Al Gingliardi

2007 Dallas Cowboys - Owner: David Bitz

2007 New England Patriots - Owner: Shane Visto

2007 Washington Redskins - Owner: Lance DiBisceglie

2007 Minnesota Vikings - Owner: Wade Fossum

2007 Indianapolis Colts - Owner: Greg Zeigert

2007 Chicago Bears - Owner: Jeff Thomas

2007 Tennessee Titans - Owner: Mark Hale

2007 Atlanta Falcons - Owner: Rodney Johnson

2008 New England Patriots - Owner: Shane Visto

2008 New York Giants - Owner: Tony Murrell

2008 Minnesota Vikings - Owner: Wade Fossum

2008 Washington Redskins - Owner: Wayne Pulley

2008 Jacksonville Jaguars - Owner: Vince Diiorio

2008 Miami Dolphins - Owner: Jason Wessels

2008 Pittsburgh Steelers - Owner: Pete Katsafanas

2008 Kansas City Chiefs - Owner: Lee Thompson

2009 New York Giants - Owner: Tony Murrell

2009 Minnesota Vikings - Owner: Wade Fossum

2009 Washington Redskins - Owner: Wayne Pulley

2009 Seattle Seahawks: Don Antonelli

2009 Pittsburgh Steelers - Owner: Pete Katsafanas

2009 Indianapolis Colts - Owner: Joe Pawlicki

2009 Jacksonville Jaguars - Owner: Vince Diiorio

2009 Miami Dolphins - Owner: Jason Wessels

2010 Oakland Raiders - Owner: Lance DiBisceglie

2010 Minnesota Vikings - Owner: Wade Fossum

2010 New England Patriots - Owner: Shane Visto

2010 Denver Broncos - Owner: Phil Leitner

2010 Indianapolis Colts - Owner: Joe Pawlicki

2010 Atlanta Falcons - Owner: Jeff Fuchs

2011 Dallas Cowboys - Owner: Scott Neri

2011 Washington Redskins - Owner: Ryan Wessels

2011 New England Patriots - Owner: Shane Visto

2011 Pittsburgh Steelers - Owner: Pete Katsafanas

2011 New York Jets - Owner: Tom Forbes

2011 Kansas City Chiefs - Owner: Lee Thompson

2012 St. Louis Rams  - Owner: Keith Sanderlin

2012 Oakland Raiders - Owner: Lance DiBisceglie

2012 Philadelphia Eagles - Owner: Brian Yanish

2012 Denver Broncos - Owner: Phil Leitner

2012 New York Jets - Owner: Tom Forbes

2012 Chicago Bears - Owner: Crawford Davis

2013 St. Louis Rams  - Owner: Keith Sanderlin

2013 Arizona Cardinals - Owner: Tom Landers

2013 New Orleans Saints - Owner: 

2013 Denver Broncos - Owner: Phil Leitner

2013 Tennessee Titans - Owner: Bob Dufee

2013 Kansas City Chiefs - Owner: Valentino Montelbano

2014 Dallas Cowboys

2014 Minnesota Vikings: Robert Baker

2014 Seattle Seahawks: Don Antonelli

2014 Indianapolis Colts: Scott Lamberson

2014 Pittsburgh Steelers: Pete Katsafanas

2014 Chicago Bears: Crawford Davis

2015 New England Patriots: Shane Visto

2015 Minnesota Vikings: Butch Shramek

2015 Washington Redskins: Ryan Wessels

2015 Indianapolis Colts: Scott Lamberson

2015 Pittsburgh Steelers: Pete Katsafanas

2015 Chicago Bears: Crawford Davis

2016 New Orleans Saints: Jeff Fuchs

2016 Arizona Cardinals: Tom Landers

2016 Seattle Seahawks: Don Antonelli

2016 Tennessee Titans - Owner: Joe Sardo

2016 San Diego Chargers: Jerry Banko

2016 Miami Dolphins: Jonathan Hasleiet

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